Why Waldorf?
Waldorf Education is the fastest growing independent school movement in the world today. The Waldorf curriculum, conceived a hundred years back, continues to be relevant in the modern times too as it is designed to address the child as a whole. Traditional education approaches academic subjects in such a manner that it seems to stimulate only the mind or the intellect. However, healthy emotional development is nurtured by conveying knowledge experientially as well as academically.
Waldorf Education works with the hands, the heart and the head throughout the day, through primary academic subjects as well as a broad range of artistic, handwork, music and craft activities. Learning becomes an engaging voyage of discovery of the world and of oneself rather than the mere acquisition of information.
At the heart of the philosophy is the belief that education must cater to the inner development of the child. The very young child learns best through imitation and imagination, the grade school child through the realm of the emotions and senses, and the adolescent through the intellect.
Waldorf schools offer a developmentally appropriate, balanced approach to education that integrates the arts and academics for children from preschool through twelfth grade. It encourages the development of each child's sense of truth, beauty and goodness and provides an antidote to violence, alienation and cynicism. The Waldorf curriculum carefully balances academic, artistic, and practical activities and develops the child's self-confidence and self-reliance, while fostering personal integrity and a sense of responsibility. The aim of this education is to inspire in each student a lifelong love of learning and to enable them to fully develop their unique capacities and eventually serve humanity.